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The Texas Society for Advancement of Health Professions will award up to four (4) Student Awards of $1000 each at its Fall Conference. The Student Awards will be awarded to allied health students who have demonstrated scholastic achievement and a commitment of service in their profession and community. The Student Awards will be offered to students of academic institutional members of TSAHP.

- Community College Student
- Undergraduate Student
- Graduate Student
- Unrestricted (Student may fall in any category)
There is NO limit to the number of nominees an institution may submit for each category. The application must be sent through the Dean/Chair/Department Head of a program affiliated with an institutional member of TSAHP.
Selection Criteria
- GPA (in Major)
- The level and significance of the civic activities
- Level and significance of the school/professional activities including offices held, as well as presentations and publications.
- Student’s potential for future achievement
- Recommendation of Department Chair/Dean
- Enrolled during the semester in which the Student Award application is submitted
To be eligible for the scholarship, students must have successfully completed 24 hours or 50% of their professional program (whichever is greater) and must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 system. Students may be enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis. Student Awards will be given in the following categories: