The editors and publishing professionals on our team take a lot of pride in assisting authors. Our focus is on assisting writers navigate the publishing world, making sure authors and their works are noticed. As a writer, your focus in on the story, our focus is on getting it to market and on shelves.
NEW applications are accepted any time. RENEWAL memberships are due in February.
- $15 - Student membership
- $50 - Individual membership
- $500 - Institutional membership and One Primary Representative
- $650 - Institutional membership and One Primary Representative and Four Faculty Members
- $900 - Institutional membership and One Primary Representative and Eight Faculty Members
- $1,500 - Institutional membership and One Primary Representative and Fourteen Faculty Members
- TSAHP represents your interests at federal, state, and local levels of government.
- Voting Privileges - Choose representatives for the Board of Directors who provide the direction and scope of TSAHP activities.
- Leadership - Seize opportunities to hold offices, present papers or workshops at the annual meeting. Serve on committees to affect change, and write Newsletter articles.
- TSAHP Research Grants - Apply for competitive grants for research in allied health. Proposal guidelines are available from the Executive Director.
- TSAHP Student Awards - Encourage your students to apply for competitive Student Awards when your institution is a TSAHP member. Institutional membership applications are available from the Executive Director.
The Call for TSAHP Nominations occurs in the spring annually, and elections are held during the period between August-September. Results are announced at the general business meeting during the annual conference.
Please Send Membership Questions to:
Shirley McGraw
Executive Director
Phone: 409-772-9565
Fax: 409-772-9710